Story : A cunning fox and a crow

Once upon a time there was a forest . Animals in this forest lacked food. There was a road that was in the middle of the forest. This road was mostly used by traders. who traveled through different countries for the purpose of trade and profit. 

One day a car was passing through the forest with pieces of cheese on the road. While walking in the middle of the forest, a piece of cheese fell in the middle of the road and the businessman did not notice it. He left it and went away, but a crow was flying near this road. He was looking for food. After a long search he noticed the piece of cheese. He took the piece of cheese with his lips.

The crow found a big tree. He sat on the tree and looked around. See if there is anyone else. Who thought there was no one, but he was completely wrong.

Beside the tree there was a cunning fox , and this fox was very weak and at the same time he was lazy. Seeing the crow, he thought - this crow has cheese in its mouth, if I can take it, it will be good for me to be eaten. 

The tree is very high and surely this weak fox cannot reach the crow.
So the fox thought of a trick to get the cheese. 
The fox called the crow and said: O crow! I heard that you have the loudest voice. Beautiful sound that can be heard throughout the forest, right?

The crow looked at him in surprise, but was so delighted to hear such things about him that he forgot what he was carrying in his mouth. He said - what! Who! Yes, my voice is very beautiful.
As soon as he said this, the cheese fell from the crow's mouth and the fox picked it up from below. The fox ran and took the cheese. The fox turned to

the crow while running and said: Ah! so stupid You believe what you are told.

The crow suffered greatly from the loss of food. He started looking for food again.

Translator: Adila Nur Tabassum 

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