In one house lived a kitten and her mother. The kitten was quite naughty. He always kept his belongings tidy. He was not at all responsible for his toys. And his mother always told him about it. 
One day the mother of the kitten went out of the house for an emergency. Since the kitten is alone at home and there is no one to scold him, the cat plays at home as he pleases. And he scatter his toys everywhere. 

After a while, the mother cat returned home. He was very upset to see the condition of the house 
The cat sighed and said to the kitten - Alas! Look at the condition of the house. Will you tell me when you will grow up? 
The kitten said - Mom, I'm big! See how old I am. 

The mother cat sighed again and said - sit here quietly! You won't play today. The mother cat went to work in the kitchen. 
The kitten was very angry because her mother scolded her. She decided that she would show her mother today that she has grown up. But he did not know how to prove it to his mother. He thought that if he went out and asked someone, he might get the answer. So he jumped out the window and came out.

On the street, the kitten was walking alone and thinking - this is how I can walk alone like an adult. 
The rabbit was seen with the kitten on the way. The kitten asks him - well rabbit brother can you tell me one thing? 
The rabbit said - What do you want to know, little kitten? 
The kitten became upset when he heard the small sound in the rabbit's mouth. Even then he asked the rabbit - well how does it grow? 
The rabbit thought a little. However, he could not give any answer. 
When he did not get any answer from the rabbit, he started walking on the road. He asked a few others on the way but got no answer. 
Moments later, he saw a baby bear driving his toy car. She approached the bear cub and asked him the same question. 

The baby bear thought for a while and said - if you climb a big tree and see everyone from there; You will see that everyone has become smaller. And that means - you've grown up. 

The kitten said - Yes! That's right. So I'm getting up now. 

The kitten climbed a large tree and saw that the bear below had become smaller. 
The kitten shouted from above and said - this is my bear brother I have grown up. 

The bear replied - No, for some reason you have become smaller.

The kitten said in surprise - it can not be. The kitten didn't believe the bear and he asked the sun. But the sun smiled and hid behind the clouds, giving no answer. 
After a while it started to rain and the kitten fell from the tree. She and the bear cub stood under a large tree to take shelter from the rain. The kitten thought that if he did something else, he would be able to grow up. He was engrossed in thought. Just then he saw an old dog. He seemed very wise so he thought he might get an answer from her. 
The kitten ran up to him and asked how to grow up. 
The dog said to the kitten - you have to be responsible to grow up. You have to take care of your belongings and yourself. 
The kitten asked - how do you do that? 
The dog immediately notices that a cat is running towards them. 
The dog asks the kitten, "Is that your mother?" 
The kitten looks back and says: Yes, that's why mother! 

The kitten ran towards him. They both go back home. 
After returning home, the kitten was told by his mother not to go out like this. The kitten gets upset. He sits by the window and sees that the sky is clear. The sun has risen again. 
Let's ask the sun once in that way 
He said to Surya - Surya Mama, will you tell me the way to grow up? 
The sun looked at him from the sky and smiled. And said - I know you want to grow up. So I will show you do so. I'll put your toys wherever I tell them 

The sun showed where to put the scattered toys.

The kitten arranged everything. After a while the mother cat is real. He was surprised to see everything arranged and said - Wow! My daughter has grown up. She knows how to take care of her own things. 

The kitten was very happy to hear this on the mother's face and thanked Surya. Then he remembered that Seto was talking about the old dog. 

From then on, the cat did not waste his toys anymore. She is responsible now. He has grown up now. 

Translator: Adila Nur Tabassum