Once upon a time there was a  widow  , she had  two daughters  . The eldest daughter was like her mother, very arrogant, rude and angry. No one liked him and his mother. But the little girl was kind, affectionate, humble and she was quite beautiful. People loved him but his mother did not like him at all. I used to do everything with him. 

The little girl had to go to the river every day to fetch water. Which was about 1 hour's journey. 

Once, while the girl was fetching water by the river, a poor old woman approached her and asked for water.

As soon as he had washed his jug, he drew water from the deepest and cleanest place and took the jug and made the woman drink it.  

The woman took a sip of water and said to the girl - you are so good, so kind. Thank you for making me drink water. I want to give you something as a gift. 

The old woman  was actually a  fairy , who deliberately disguised herself as an ordinary woman to see if what people said about her was true. That means the girl is really a good person. 

The old lady understands that what people say is true and she is very happy. He says to the girl - the more words you say from now on, the more flowers or diamonds will fall from your lips. Goodbye good girl!  

The girl was very surprised. He did not pay much attention to the old woman's words. He returned home. His mother scolded him for being late to come home 
Began to shake.
The girl said - forgive me, mother. Today I am really late.

But as soon as he said these words, several roses and two large diamonds fell from his lips.
His mother was surprised to see them and said- what happened to you? Flowers from your mouth, why are diamonds falling !?  

The girl is also looking surprised. Then he remembered that the old woman had given him this gift. He tells his mother everything. 

Hearing this, her greedy mother sent her eldest daughter to fetch water and said, "If an old woman on the bank of the river wants to drink water, let her drink." 

The eldest daughter went to the river bank. She was waiting for the old woman with water. Suddenly a young woman came to him and said - Oh girl, will you let me drink water from your jug? 

The eldest daughter thought - this is not an old woman. So why should I give it? I will not give. 

The eldest daughter said to him in a very harsh way- Nah! I can't give you You eat from the river yourself.
It was very sad to see this behavior of a young woman. In fact, this time the fairy did not come in the guise of an old woman but in the guise of a young woman. She assumed her original form. Ara cursed the older girl - one snake and one stone will fall from your mouth for every word. 

The eldest daughter returns home and meets her mother.
 Her mother asks her - what happened? What happened? Will diamonds fall from your mouth now?  
The girl said- no mother! 

As soon as he said this, some snakes and rocks fell down. She and her mother got scared when they saw it The girl started screaming in fear. More snakes began to fall from his mouth. The snakes were quite venomous. 
A few snakes bit the greedy mother and eldest daughter and she died there. 

But ,,, before the little girl was riding the cow outside the house, the snakes went out of the house into the forest. 

When he returned home, he found that his mother and sister had been bitten by a snake. She cries for a while. Then he manages to control himself. He sells diamonds from his mouth for his livelihood. And many become rich. That is how he lives happily in peace. 

Translator: Adila Nur Tabassum